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Welcome to Astrolom

Tore Lomsdalen

Who am I?

A Doctor of Philosophy in Archaeology from the  University of Malta. I researched Cosmology in prehistoric temples of Malta. These temples are claimed to be the oldest freestanding megalithic monuments in the world! I have also a Master degree (MA) from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK, in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. I have a certificate exam from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London, UK. Studied business administration and economy at BI, Oslo Norway, and hotel management at Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland.

I am a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, ISAR – the International Society of Astrological Research, USA and the Norwegian Astrological Association. I am a member of SEAC, the European Society for Cultural Astronomy and the Italian Society for Archaeoastronomy (SIA), as well as EAA, the European Association for Archaeologists.

Keeping lectures, running classes and writing articles and papers for magazines and journals, and have published interviews with well known astrologers in The Mountain Astrologer. and the Journal of the Astrological Assosiation of Great Britain. In 2014 I published the book, Sky and Puropose in Prehistoric Malta: The Sun, Moon and the Stars at the Temples of Mnajdra.

I have been speaker at UAC 2012 in New Orleans on the toptic of: Astrology, Cosmology and Archaeoastronomy, at the annual conference of the British Astrological Association in 2013 and the same year at the Astrological Lodge in London. Further, I have have had presentation in topics related to cosmology and archaeoastronomy at the University of Liverpool in 2013, University of Bournmouth in 2013, University of Manchester  and the Sophia Centre Conference at Bath, UK in 2014, and several other talkes at internatal conferences on cultual astronomy and astrology. взять кредитную карту без процентов

1000 years in 2 minutes! Is this the world’s oldest stone calendar?
This is an animation film about how the Mnajdra Temple on Malta was constructed based on 4 years’ studies and reflects the theories in my book «Sky and Purpose in Prehistoric Malta: Sun, Moon and Stars at the Temples of Malta, which you can see further down the page.

Briefly stated my theory suggests that the temple was most probably built with a purpose of that the Sun’s rays from the Sunrise Spring and Autumn Equinixes, Summer and Winter solstices lighted up important predetermined areas inside the actual temple. This could have been used to track time through the solar year.

Perhaps on the basis of religious feasts and ceremonies, or perhaps for something as basic as agricultural needs. Some have described this temple as the world’s oldest calendar in stone, ca. 5 000 years old.

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